K10D and Landscape Photography
This is my second set of photographs with the K10D. This time out my objective was to see how the camera performs with landscape photography. In my opinion, landscapes are a challenge for imaging sensors. For example, imaging tall grass or tree branches required sharp detail from both the lens and sensor. There is also the effect of aliasing on the picture and if the camera's sensor processing provides for anti-aliasing image correction, or not. Another factor to consider is the lack of color and how the camera will image only slight 'tonal' changes in this pastel-like color palate for the environment being photographed. The photos below are out of the camera with no post editing. Overall, the pictures are acceptable, but close inspection shows noticeable chromatic noise (sky predominately). The tall grasses and tree branches tend to seem soft with noticeable smearing-effect when zoomed-in 300-400%. Keep in mind the images are very good considering 2006 digital sensor